Gropius Bau

+ultra. knowledge & gestaltung

30 Sep 2016 - 08 Jan 2017

David Georges Emmerich: Structure autotendante
(c) Collection FRAC Centre, Orléans / Photographie: François Lauginie
Gestaltung (design) is research, and research is Gestaltung. Using models, tools and images, the exhibition reveals the fundamental importance of creative processes for science and research for the first time. From the hand ax to the 3D-printed organ, from biomimetic materials to feeling prostheses, +ultra. knowledge & gestaltung presents the value of the insights and knowledge gained through the human transformations of nature, as well as their consequences. In a world, in which nature itself appears already shaped by human hand, the boundaries between nature and culture, organic and inorganic, matter and mind are increasingly eroding. Visitors can experience this tension as they explore expansive installations and witness images operations in which reality and simulation merge.

ORGANIZER Cluster of Excellence “Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory“, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the foundation Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin (DKLB), Einstein-Foundation Berlin, Schering Stiftung, Sparkasse Berlin, Humboldt-Universitäts-Gesellschaft
CURATOR Nikola Doll in collaboration with Katharina Lee Chichester
MEDIA PARTNERS Berliner Zeitung, ZITTY, tip berlin Himbeer-Magazin Berlin